May 23, 2017 | ADHD
Never Say This to a Person With ADHD. I’ve heard many of these. 1. “Just tune it/her/him/them out” If only it were that easy. Those of us with ADHD can tune people out when we’re hyperfocusing (those of us who hyperfocus) but day-to-day, chatty...
May 18, 2017 | ADHD
Since I’ve become more vocal about my own ADHD I’ve discovered that people really don’t understand it. It’s not this: …thought a short attention span and distractability are symptoms. or this: …Poor impulse control (Although...
May 11, 2017 | ADHD
I’m not a mom. I choose not to be and one of the many reasons for that is because I think that I’m impatient with kids. Truth is, that’s in my head. I’m really nice and don’t lose my cool out loud, I just think it, and appreciate when...