New Year, New Boundaries

New Year, New Boundaries

I wrote this on Facebook a few days ago: One of my “resolutions” for 2019 is to set boundaries and stick to them. I said “no” to someone a few days ago and immediately then honoured their request anyway because I didn’t want to seem...
On Allowing Discomfort

On Allowing Discomfort

Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash Except for the lead photo above, this began as an Instagram post. My swyping keyboard finger kept going as if it was a freewriting exercise. When I scrolled up to add some words to a previous paragraph, something happened that...


Someone asked an ADHD-related question on Quora today and requested my answer. It’s something that I suspect others are curious about too. Here is this person’s question and my response Question – Why do people act like ADD and ADHD are the same...
ADHD Awareness Month: 3 ADHD book recommendations

ADHD Awareness Month: 3 ADHD book recommendations

When starting your journey of learning about ADHD, you probably head to the internet first, and books second. Here you are on the internet, and here are my ADHD book recommendations. Below, I include three ADHD-specific books that have influenced me most plus some...
Adventures in Stick Shift Driving: Honey, I broke the car.

Adventures in Stick Shift Driving: Honey, I broke the car.

I posted this follow up to Medium 10 days ago as a follow-up to a story that I published both here and there in August: I was doing so well. I was driving a short distance, mostly, but knew it was time to go run errands and do stuff. So I agreed to take a trip to...